Yep! It's been a hectic week of pre-parties, parties and afterparties, but when it all kicks off at the Hooch, you know you're in for a MASSIVE one. And we never disappoint! First up I'm calling out those idiots that brought their own alchs to the club...ya fuckin tight asses, buy a frikkin drink (and im callin the older mamas too...cos you were the ones that was caught...FAIL!!!!)
Ok, so after being presented a shit load of saccharine, cavity inducin' cupcakes during the start of my set (way to time it Mara!!!!-luv ya!), the night got so fuckin packed we jammed enough shit into one room, especially courtesy of Hans DC and Miss Beats keeping the shit rollin. I was too busy basking in the lies that it was indeed my birthday and making everyone wish me a happy birthday...PS props to those that obliged. To all my dickhead friends that left early...you're out of the will and no longer my friends!
Wow, bitter post much. I think it's the fact ive put on 26 kilos in 2 days and drank enough to keep up with Lohan...but MERRY KISS MY ASS MAMAS and yes we are closed on Xmas night...waaaah, but reopening NEW YEARS DAY NIGHT for a special WET PUSSY PARTY! See you all on the 1st!